Monthly Reporting

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Record keeping made easy

Each month, you will receive a detailed statement outlining all of your accounts receivable by patient and date of service, so you know the status of your accounts. You will know exactly who we have collected payment from and how much.

This a level of transparency and detail is often lost with other billing companies.

Additionally, you send us all Explanations of Benefits received with insurance payments, including denials. If claims need to be resubmitted, we take care of that, too.

This level of accurate record keeping allows you to rest easy.

Report Desk
Mental Health Billing Success Story Nobg

Success Story

Learn how our work with The Center for Counseling & Training resulted in improved processes and increased revenue.


The Center for Counseling & Training is a multi-provider private practice located in Missouri. They offer comprehensive counseling services for patients starting at 3 years old.

The Challenge

With a team of 8 fully licensed providers who accept most major private insurance plans, The Center for Counseling & Training sought help from Anchor Point Billing Solutions to outsource the billing insurance needs.

Our Execution

Using our proprietary forms and proven process, we verified insurance, setup the Center's clients and daily schedule, and began submitting claims and managing all their billing needs.


The Center for Counseling & Training saw a 15.33% increase in receivables since partnering with Anchor Point Billing Solutions.

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